Evil Jews Kill 16 Palestinians. CBC Ignores News
(too old to reply)
2018-03-31 02:01:34 UTC
The World At Six gave no mention of Jewish snipers shooting across the
border into Gaza, killing 16 and injuing hundreds. If that isn't world
news then what is?

Imagine if Palestinians had guns and picked off 16 Jews inside Israel.
Would CBC have ignored that? How can we get arms to the Palestinians so
that they can defend themselves?
2018-03-31 14:52:41 UTC
Post by Kixi
The World At Six gave no mention of Jewish snipers shooting across the
border into Gaza, killing 16 and injuing hundreds. If that isn't world
news then what is?
Imagine if Palestinians had guns and picked off 16 Jews inside Israel.
Would CBC have ignored that? How can we get arms to the Palestinians
so that they can defend themselves?
On Saturday morning CBC is now reporting 15 deaths but they very much
smudge the facts.

CBC presents the Jews as "responding" to Palestinian stone throwing.
More credible reports from non-Jew broadcasters have the main
demonstration several hundred metres from the fence inside Gaza.
Reports say some Palestinians moved to 100m from the fence and threw
stones. That should still put them 200m + from the heavily armed Jews
on the other side ... so the snipers just let their guns blaze. They
have to be seriously radicalized to be so trigger happy.

CBC dutifully plays a carefully crafted clip from the Israeli "defense
forces" spokeswoman. CBC leaves the impression that the Palestinians
died in clashes during unrest on the border ... rather than were killed
by Jews shooting over the border fence into Gaza.

With this kind of spin why should we believe anything from the
Jewsmedia about the Skripal poisonings, Russian meddling, Saddam's WMD,
Assad's poison gas, Hitler's gas chambers etc..

Susan Cohen
2018-04-01 04:12:56 UTC
Post by Kixi
The World At Six gave no mention of Jewish snipers shooting across the
border into Gaza, killing 16 and injuing hundreds. If that isn't world
news then what is?
Imagine if Palestinians had guns and picked off 16 Jews inside Israel.
Would CBC have ignored that? How can we get arms to the Palestinians so
that they can defend themselves?
For Palestinians, this was their Babi Yar.
Carolina Reb
2018-04-01 04:59:41 UTC
Post by Susan Cohen
Post by Kixi
The World At Six gave no mention of Jewish snipers shooting across the
border into Gaza, killing 16 and injuing hundreds. If that isn't world
news then what is?
Imagine if Palestinians had guns and picked off 16 Jews inside Israel.
Would CBC have ignored that? How can we get arms to the Palestinians so
that they can defend themselves?
For Palestinians, this was their Babi Yar.
Jews will be Jews.
The Peeler
2018-04-01 09:56:37 UTC
On Sun, 1 Apr 2018 00:59:41 -0400, our resident senile nazi homo,
"All Bark & No Bite", aka Humpin Hampton, aka Caroloony Reb, the subnormal
moron and attested schizo from the States, wrote:

<FLUSH the disgusting senile nazi homo swine's usual disgusting sick nazi
homo bullshit unread>

Keep your FAGGOT stench out of straight people's ngs, you disgusting senile
nazi homo swine!


Picture of the senile gay nazi sow with PINK tie:
Loading Image...
Cock-crazed Hampton: "...do I have a dick or a pussy?"
MID: <ef123e80-982c-46b3-9ff4-***@googlegroups.com>
2018-04-01 14:19:48 UTC
Post by Kixi
The World At Six gave no mention of Jewish snipers shooting across the
border into Gaza, killing 16 and injuing hundreds. If that isn't world
news then what is?
That's an aberration. The MSM always takes the Palestinian side. Must've
been more important news to cover.
Post by Kixi
Imagine if Palestinians had guns and picked off 16 Jews inside Israel.
Would CBC have ignored that?
The MSM wouldn't have said shit...

The Peeler
2018-04-01 09:56:18 UTC
On Sun, 01 Apr 2018 00:12:56 -0400, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
Post by Susan Cohen
Post by Kixi
Imagine if Palestinians had guns and picked off 16 Jews inside Israel.
Would CBC have ignored that? How can we get arms to the Palestinians so
that they can defend themselves?
For Palestinians, this was their Babi Yar.
ROTFLOL Retarded nazi idiots!
Anti-virus firm AVG <***@avg.com> addressing Loose Sphincter on Usenet:

"Hello from AVG.

Please stop advertising us. We don't want to be associated with neo-Nazi
scum like you and RichA, no matter whether you use our product or not.

And fix your fucking sig separator!

Sincerely, AVG."