CBC: Now If this Isn't Fake News
(too old to reply)
2018-01-12 15:42:30 UTC
In the presence of Norway's Prime Minister, Trump suggested Norwegians
would make better immigrants than Haitians. (He is also reported to
have described Haiti and some African countries as "shit-hole
countries" - typical language used by CBC.)

In the hours since, CBC has been featuring this non-news story as an
example of Trump's racism.

Can you spot any immigration criteria difference between Norway and
Haiti other than skin colour? CBC chooses not to.

This fake news was used as an excuse by CBC to dig up two old fake news
stories to reinforce Trump as a racist:

1. Charlottesville - where the Right were marching, the Left organised
a counter march and violence resulted. Trump dared to say there were
bad people on both sides. The media went berserk.

2. Mexican rapists - CBC stated that Trump had labelled Mexicans as
rapists. He did indeed use "Mexican" and "rapists" in the same sentence
but also included "good people" in that same sentence. And, not a minor
point, Trump actually words were "illegal Mexican migrants".

Prediction: Trump will prevail as the Fake News Networks continue their
2018-01-12 15:59:12 UTC
Post by Kixi
In the presence of Norway's Prime Minister, Trump suggested Norwegians
would make better immigrants than Haitians. (He is also reported to have
described Haiti and some African countries as "shit-hole countries" -
typical language used by CBC.)
The irony of you mentioning "fake news", and then lying your ass off, is
likely lost on no one but you.
extra class
2018-01-13 20:15:52 UTC
fully encrypted CBC is unavailable
Yes, it was awesome content.
It must contained some fully encrypted content the powers that be didn't
want us to see.
Post by Kixi
In the presence of Norway's Prime Minister, Trump suggested Norwegians
would make better immigrants than Haitians. (He is also reported to have
described Haiti and some African countries as "shit-hole countries" -
typical language used by fully encrypted CBC.)
The irony of you mentioning fully encrypted "fake news", and then lying your
ass off, is
likely lost on no one but you.
2018-01-14 18:47:06 UTC
Post by Kixi
Prediction: Trump will prevail as the Fake
This group is CLOSED to you Godless nazi vermin!


- The management
